Enjoy The Pleasure of Carefree Clearwater
Water has been successfully treated with copper and silver for centuries.

The technology was perfected when NASA developed an electronic system to purify drinking water for use aboard spacecraft for the Apollo missions.
The Carefree Clearwater system electronically releases copper and silver ions into the water where they destroy bacteria and algae - which are then filtered out.
It Pays
to change to ionization. It just makes dollars and
$ense. The paybacks are real in money, time savings, better health, and the pleasure of clean pure water.
Typical Installation
The ion chamber is usually installed after the filter and the unit is either wired to the pumps power supply or put on a timer.
Pays for itself quickly and costs less than what you’re spending right now. It eliminates exposure to high levels of toxic chemicals.
Money savings
Saves thousands in future chemical costs. Also saves money by eliminating bleaching and other damage to hair, pool equipment and nearby plants and flowers.
Time savings
No more daily testing, dosing and handling chemicals. Automatically keeps your water algae and bacteria free. Unlike other chemical sanitizers, mineral ions are unaffected by heat and sunlight, providing constant and safe water.
Simple maintenance
Ions are pH neutral and will not affect water balance. Periodic water testing and occasional oxidizing are all that’s needed. (Eliminate along with a low level halogen).
Eliminate irritation
No more burning eyes, dry skin, bleached and damaged hair, offensive chemical odors, allergic reactions. Enjoy swimming in refreshing mineral water. Your skin stays soft and healthy.
Extremely Stable Sanitizer Residual
that lasts for weeks! Unlike ozone which only lasts a few minutes and unstabilized chlorine or bromine which only last a few hours. Purifying Ions do not dissipate from heat and sunlight. The bactericidal effect is actually enhanced by sunlight and high temperatures and is not pH dependent like chlorine!
for you and your family. The minute levels of copper and silver even satisfies EPA drinking water standards. Copper is a daily dietary requirement and silver has long been used as a purifier.
First developed by NASA to purify drinking water. The solid state electronic controls produce very low current - like several flashlight batteries, enclosed in a weathertight case. The equipment meets or exceeds UL and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards.
Automatic. Anyone can operate or install it. Easily added to existing equipment.
Uses include numerous commercial and non-commercial applications
such as swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, decorative fountains, cooling towers and other industrial applications. For plaster, vinyl, fiberglass and all other surfaces.
Lifetime Warranty
Rugged and durable design protects electronics from moisture, corrosion and harsh environments. Reliable solid state circuitry. No moving parts.